Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ch 15-1 Josselyn

Ch 15-1 Eddie

Ch 15-1 Vincent

Ch 15-1 Cruz

Ch 15-1 Lorraina

Ch 15-1 Isabel

Ch 15-1 Stephanie

Ch 15-1 Martin

Ch 15-1 Mikey

Ch 15-1 Alex

Ch 15-1 Sarah

Ch 15-1 Hector

Ch 15-1 Jonathan

chapter 15-1 felix:)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Biome Box Projects

We will soon be creating biome boxes! Please bring in any extra shoe boxes or other small boxes that you may have.

Welcome to the Main St. Science Blog

Hello students! This new blog website will be where you upload your Glog (online posters) for our science studies. This way, you can upload your work, and everyone will be able to view, comment, and easily share (and most imporantly, present!) your work!

Remember this site and follow it on your own blogs!